
Adventures of a Bride-to-Be

Tis the season, but it's almost over and time to get back in the full swing of wedding planning...that is after the 1st of the year.

(Will You Marry Me sign at Zoo Lights in Phoenix)

(I made him wear it)

Wes & I hosted our first Christmas Eve at our house this year. His mom let us know that it was the first time in thirty eight years that she had not hosted Christmas Eve. Its always so interesting to hear everyone's family traditions for the holidays. For my family when we lived in South Florida it was church in Palm Beach and then Bice's for dinner. My sister and I always opened each other's gifts on Christmas Eve (we still do via telephone sometimes), woke up early to find mom making breakfast and dad drinking his coffee, we would then open gifts and have a large breakfast followed hours later by a turkey dinner. The Colgan's traditions are completely different and I have had to get use to. They have appetizers and drinks on Christmas Eve and open all of their gifts followed by a trip in the car to look at Holiday lights in the neighborhood.

Wes and I talked this year about making our own traditions and combining the two families' traditions together when we have our own family. This year, though, we got spoiled by both families and got lots of wedding and honeymoon items. We received new honeymoon outfits, Italian lessons, books on Italy, and wedding perfume, just to name a few.

But, the biggest surprise of all was my gift from Wes - I actually still think I am in shock from it. This was something I wanted but did not think he would actually come through and get: dancing lessons - we now have 6 private lessons at Ambiant Dance studio!!! Now we just need to finalize our first dance song....

(Opening the dance lessons... see the shock on my face!)

Till next year. Have a great New Year's.

Always with love,

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