
Adventures of a Bride-to-Be

Today was one dedicated solely to wedding planning. Stephen had the day off and I put in for a vacation day so we could get some important “to-dos” taken care of. We planned to go to the courthouse for our wedding license and then drive down to Temecula to meet with our Wedding Coordinator at Ponte.

We started the morning at the Starbucks drive-thru, because who doesn’t need a latte when you’re up early enough to be the first in line at the courthouse? Thankfully we filled out our application for a marriage license online, so when we arrived at the courthouse, the lovely lady at the front door let us “Advance to Boardwalk” and get directly in line with all the other crazies (did I just say that out loud?) If I was only allowed to give you one bit of advice, it would be to bring a camera! There were quite a few people dressed and ready to get married at the courthouse and at one point, both Stephen and I were a bit jealous. We had plenty of time in line to laugh about how we could have saved a lot of money and drama if we just got married there. And the outfits we thought up to wear for the “big day” were even more hilarious. It’s possible that if I’m having an overly terrible day, I might return to the courthouse for a good laugh. There is some serious creativity going on in that building!

After more than a few good laughs at the courthouse it was time to head out to Temecula. We arrived early, so we went into Old Town Temecula for a good ol fashioned breakfast and some antiquing. I’m still searching for milk glass, so if there’s an antique store on the way to anywhere these days, I’m in it. After a bit, it was time to head up to the winery and meet with our coordinator at Ponte. We made final decisions on food, linens and our wedding day timeline, then went into the tasting room to finalize our wine list. Neither Stephen, nor I are big fans of white wines, so I brought one of my bridesmaids up a few weeks back to help with those selections. We were able to solely focus on reds today, which is always a treat for us. Our selections were made and the day was a success.

We marked quite a bit off our “To Do” list and had a great time doing it! My goal is to not have anything left on the “To Do” list two weeks prior to the wedding, so as to not have any reason to stress out. I’ll let you know how that goes!

With Love,


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